Google News 09/13: The Democratic candidates line up for their 3rd debate

A surprisingly focused and policy-based exchange

Farid Alsabeh
4 min readSep 14, 2019

The path to the highly-anticipated 2020 general elections continued last night as 10 Democratic primary candidates took the stage in Houston, Texas to make their case to the American public. The stakes are high: there will perhaps never be another opportunity to run against a president as controversial as Donald Trump, a fact that significantly bolsters each hopeful nominee’s chances of winning.

Thankfully, though, bashing Trump wasn’t such a high priority for any of the candidates last night. Anti-Trump rhetoric is useful — after all, there’s widespread discontent with his administration — but it can’t be relied on too much as a substitute for an actual position. Besides, at a certain point we as viewers will get tired of hearing stale complaints about Trump’s character and policies — if nothing else, because those are such easy targets.

Instead, what we witnessed last night was a policy-centered debate that showcased the emerging trends and distinctions within the Democratic party. In today’s Google News article we’ll review these policy points and explore just who the Democrats are trying to reach.

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Farid Alsabeh

I'm a psychotherapist and medical student who writes mostly about philosophy, mental health, Islam, and scattered memoirs. New articles every Sunday.